Sage Media Group
Sage Media Group was established in 2012 as an independent publisher of business to business magazines. National Resources Review, serving the mining, energy and oil and gas industries was the first title. Launched into a congested marketplace, the key differentiator was quality in both production values and content. This was combined with a distribution strategy that placed the magazine in the hands of decision makers in procurement, investment and operations Australia wide.
The second title, Build Australia, was launched in 2015 with a focus on the commercial construction industry, the projects that fuel it and the people that drive it. The magazine was an immediate success and is now acknowledged as a market leader.
In June 2018, Sage Media Group’s third title was launched; Petroleum Australia. Following on from the success of the two preceding titles Petroleum Australia employs the same cross platform publishing model but with a focus on Australia’s dynamic and world leading oil and gas industry through both a regional and global lens.
The most recent addition to the publishing stable is Green Review, launched in 2020. With a focus on sustainable, or ‘green’ initiatives, in some of the world’s major sectors, the magazine offers a new spectrum to readers that have a keen interest in sustainability and the environment.
Using a progressive, managed growth strategy Sage Media Group continues to develop and expand its publishing division within the business media space with both proprietary titles and third-party contract publishing initiatives in planning.
Since the start of the business in 2012 Sage Media Group has consolidated and expanded beyond its publishing origins into the multi-faceted, integrated marketing agency it is today.