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Queensland University and Tata Metal

Queensland University and Tata Metal

A total of 40 students from the University of Queensland and 4 student representatives from the University of Indonesia carried out Factory Visit activities at the Steel Lapis Aluminum Seng (BJLAS) factory PT Tata Metal Lestari (Tatalogam Group) in the Cikarang Industrial Estate, Bekasi, West Java.

The arrival of students sponsored by the Government of Australia, through the New Colombo Plan (NCP) program is to see firsthand how the implementation of the green industry, especially in the steel production sector.

PT Tata Metal Lestari was selected in the NCP program because it has received a Green Industry certificate from the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin). Therefore, it is hoped that with this visit students from the University of Queensland and students from UI can get knowledge of what processes PT Tata Metal Lestari will carry out so that they will receive direct lessons from the steel industry to reduce their carbon emissions.

Dr. Adrian Oehmen, Associate Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering, as a companion to students from the University of Queensland added that his party really appreciates this visit and the hospitality that has been given during his study in Indonesia.

They (PT Tata Metal Lestari) have welcomed and explained to us and the students how this layered steel industry is moving. And I think all the students can learn a lot from this experience. I think most of the students present understand better how layered steel is made. In this process they also studied a long series of processes including how to handle final and residual products or waste from their activities," explained Dr. Adrian, in a written statement, Sunday, February 12.

He added that all the students present this time were students who took the field of Chemical Engineering studies. Thus, it is hoped that they can carry out appropriate calculations between what they get in the classroom and in the field. It is hoped that there will be an increase in knowledge between countries involved in this New Colombo Plan program.

In the universe of Queensland, they learn about chemical engineering. So this imports the calculation process so they learn a lot about some of the things we teach in class and now they see it in real life and many other complicated aspects in the steel industry," Adrian explained again.

PT Tata Metal Lestari's Vice President Operations, Stephanus Koeswandi explained, steel, cement and petrochemicals are the top 3 emission-producing industries and are among the most difficult to decarbonize. But steel itself, according to the World Steel Association, is a permanent resource that is 100% renewable indefinitely and without property loss. To that end, transforming into carbon neutral, Indonesia will require collective action from all actors, involving the private sector and the public to build a empowered ecosystem.

He added that the financial sector has an important role in encouraging systemic decarbonization measures. Many financing institutions have explored the steps that have been taken to encourage investment destination companies to apply sustainable reporting principles/standards and include them in action plans as one of the important variables for investment decisions and ultimately attract green investment into Indonesia.

Modern civilization cannot survive without the core industry, which is also difficult to reduce. Steel, cement, petrochemicals and fertilizers are some of the core industries that have supported the world's growth. Decarbonization requires constant innovation in fuel, raw materials, and production processes. Having ambitious planning and long-term vision for this industry is a must. explained Stephanus.

He explained that this step was taken to support the government's agenda towards carbon neutral by 2050 and readiness for global carbon trading.

With national enthusiasm for a greener earth for children and grandchildren, Tata Metal Lestari is committed to becoming a pioneer (an agent of change) in sharing awareness and understanding of the green industry in the value community of the national and global steel industry chain starting from Indonesian plate steel." he said again.

On this occasion, the three parties are also exploring cooperation in order to get to carbon neutral in 2050 through a program to transform the national steel industry towards the green industry. This action was proven by the signing of a Cooperation Interest Letter (Letter of Interest) on the same day.

It is just a beginning. We believe by cooperating with many stakeholders for the green earth will be achieved more quickly. Because global value chains have been accumulated and collaborated. Metal Lestari is ready to expand support for the New Colombo Plan with internship opportunities. This is part of Tata Metal Lestari's contribution to building partnerships with communities that will certainly provide sustainability benefits to the community wherever we work to achieve carbon neutral, he continued.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Dr. Bambang Heru Susanto explained that the University of Indonesia (UI) has had a collaboration with Dual Degree with the University of Queensland since 2002. This is a manifestation of strengthening the side of cooperation in the academic field or research.

Our arrival this time is related to environmental, particularly related to manufacturing transformation to green manufacturing, especially in the steel industry. This activity is a series of the New Colombo Plan program. Programs from the Australian government that send students from the University in Australia, to Indonesia, one of them. And coincidentally, the University of Indonesia (UI) has had Dual Degree's collaboration with the University of Queensland since 2002. This is a manifestation of strengthening the side of cooperation in the academic field or research, "explained Dr. Bambang.

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