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Contreras Earl Architecture

Stand: Architect's Hub
  • | Sydney Build 2024
Contreras Earl Architecture (CEA) is led by Rafael Contreras and Monica Earl.We founded Contreras Earl Architecture to design original, inventive, ground-breaking buildings that contribute to the evolution of architecture and toward a better future for our communities and cities. We create buildings, spaces, masterplans and objects that are biologically informed and digitally engineered. From mid-sized commercial buildings and mixed-use developments to high-end apartments and bespoke objects, it’s not about the scale of your project, but the scale of your ambition.As architects, we are problem solvers and innovators. We challenge old conventions and contribute new ideas. We believe architecture should evolve with technology, and we embrace the latest technology to push the boundaries of architecture. By using advanced software, robotics, materials and construction processes, we are liberated from traditional building practices and forms, and free to explore more creative, avant-garde ideas.Our design process is driven by the careful analysis of contemporary life and the desire to create buildings that coexist with the built and natural environment. We synthesize research and understand patterns in nature to deliver site-specific solutions that are rich, beautiful and functional – like the natural world. The architecture that emerges is innovative and advanced, imbued with warmth, soul and artistry. Sculptural forms and organic lines encourage public engagement and optimise environmental performance.These are not just grand gestures or bold forms, but reflect our design ethos to realise a better world. Freed from tradition and convention, we can contribute to the evolution of architecture, and together we can create a better future for our urban and natural environments.
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