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20 Dec 2020

$215 Million Mitchell Freeway Extension Fast Tracked

$215 Million Mitchell Freeway Extension Fast Tracked

$215 million Mitchell Freeway extension has been fast tracked and awarded to a new JV, works are expected to start in early 2021.

The contract for the Mitchell Freeway Extension from Hester Avenue in Clarkson to Romeo Road in Alkimos was awarded to the Mitchell Extension Joint Venture (MEJV), a consortium of BMD Construction and Georgiou Group. Fast-tracked the freeway extension is expected to support 1,200 direct and indirect jobs during construction. Major works expected to start early 2021 and completion is scheduled for late 2022.

The project will improve safety and reduce congestion on the Freeway and local road networks within the fast growing outer northern suburbs of Yanchep, Butler, Alkimos, Eglinton and Nowergup. WA Premier, Mark McGowan, stated that,

“I’m pleased that in WA our economy has roared back to life following the impacts of the pandemic and we’ve been able to continue to get projects underway that boosts jobs and busts congestion. The northern corridor is growing so being able to extend the Mitchell Freeway further north to where many families live and work will help save them time and will make it safer for road users. Like all our major projects underway across the state as part of our Building for Tomorrow program of works, there will be some disruption however these are necessary to ensure we have important and fit for purpose infrastructure for future generations to come.”

Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure, Alan Tudge, said the Federal Government has prioritised critical road and rail infrastructure in WA, adding,

“This is a congesting-busting project that will take pressure off local roads by providing a better route from home to work and the shops. The Morrison Government is investing millions of dollars into major transport infrastructure projects across WA and that means more jobs for hard working West Australians.”

WA Transport Minister, Rita Saffioti, added,

“We have also included a new interchange at Lukin Drive and a new connection from Marmion Avenue to Wanneroo Road, which will make it easier for our northern suburbs commuters. Combined with our other northern suburbs projects, including the long awaited Yanchep Rail Extension, this will support the WA economy through COVID-19 while creating and supporting local jobs. We will also be optimising the performance of the Mitchell Freeway southbound from Hester Avenue to Perth by introducing the same smart technology that has worked so well on the Kwinana Freeway.”

The Mitchell Freeway Extension Project, from Hester Avenue to Romeo Road, is jointly-funded by the Australian and State Governments, with each contributing $107.5 million.



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