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10 Mar 2022

Brisbane's ‘Outpaced’ Planning Scheme was Stopped

Brisbane's ‘Outpaced’ Planning Scheme was Stopped

The city's current "outpaced" planning scheme is being challenged by a new design for one of Brisbane's newest growing waterfront zones.

On the old Mobil Bulk Fuel Depot site in Morningside in Brisbane's east, BMI Group's Rivermakers project, directed by local rich lister Balfour Irvine, is gearing up for its next phase of expansion.

It has submitted a masterplan to Brisbane City Council to create a precinct-based strategy to the 30 hectare land in order to "take use of its distinctive qualities" and expand on the early success of its riverside development.

It has submitted a change request as part of its application in order to get more land use flexibility for its riverside destination, which is located right across the Brisbane River from the planned 2032 Olympic athletes town.

The submitted planning report said, "The planning rules... that control the construction of industrial buildings and precincts have remained virtually unaltered since City Plan 2000 and have been overtaken with the expansion of the sector."

"As a result, the current planning scheme hierarchy is no longer appropriate for delivering a new, creative industrial park."

The project, which unlocks 250m of riverside recreational space, is meant "to suit new urban approaches to industry," according to BMI Group.

According to the research, "Rivermakers answers to a recognized requirement to co-locate commercial operations with industrial users while providing access to high-quality amenities and services."

"The proposed variation request aims to change the assessment categories for different supporting land uses in order to provide the flexibility and amenity that the expanding new industrial sector requires."
The former Commonwealth Acetate of Lime Factory, which is located on the property bordered by Dunhill Crescent, Colmslie Road, and Lytton Road, has already been incorporated into the project and transformed to accommodate brewers, distillers, and ceramicists.

The assessment stated, "The re-use and adaption of these structures makes a significant statement about Brisbane's industrial sector."

Rivermakers historic neighborhood will be home to additional food and beverage professionals, according to the masterplan.

"Council is now revisiting its industrial land use restrictions in order to make them more flexible and allow a range of modern applications, and our master plan coincides with those goals," said Michael Irvine, development manager.

"Rivermakers is establishing itself as a riverbank destination for a variety of activities, allowing Brisbane's industrial and corporate sectors to expand while maintaining the work-life balance that people desire."

"The demand from industry demonstrates that this new way of working is plainly needed, and the masterplan enables us to get on with the business of making it happen."

Rivermakers is located next to the Raptis Fish Market and Australian Country Choice, a meat processor.

Balfour Irvine and Trevor Lee, the wealthy cattle baron and owner of the neighboring meatworks, submitted a Planning and Environment Court appeal against the council's permission of two new enterprises in the Rivermakers district, which resulted in the revised masterplan being lodged.

Lee stated in the lawsuit that he had been guaranteed that the land would not be utilized for retail, restaurant, or food activities, or any other use that was not permitted under the existing industrial zoning.

Irvine, on the other hand, said that all he ever said at Rivermakers was that he would never pursue residential construction.

The submitted masterplan documents said, "To be clear, Rivermakers does not propose any of the following: residential activities, daycare centers, schools, or a full line grocery."

As a condition of acceptance, the application also offers a procedure that preserves the rights of the site's neighbors to maintain their present industrial usage.

"We want to be good neighbors and offer them peace of mind that they won't be impacted in the future," Michael Irvine said.

He said that a series of on-site open days would be arranged to introduce the community to the new concept.

"We want people to be aware of the location and to consider all of the possibilities for such a vital area of Brisbane's riverside."

"Making the most of this remarkable property for the community while safeguarding and boosting amenity for its near neighbors" is what this implies.



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