Concept Plans Released for Parramatta Metro Over-station Development
According to the vision statement, Sydney Metro West has published concept plans for the development of a new mixed-use precinct with "retail, entertainment and opportunities for creative and innovation jobs" at the Parramatta metro over-station.
The Parramatta metro station, a proposed station on the Sydney Metro West that will serve the second-largest CBD in Sydney, will be located on the inner-city block, which connects many individual sites fronting Macquarie, George, Church, and Smith streets.
Together with Grimshaw Architects, who is in charge of the station design, and Arcadia, who is in responsible of the public domain and landscape, Bates Smart leads the integrated urban design and architecture for the new precinct.
The new precinct will be built around four towers, three of which will be commercial and one residential. They will be completely integrated with the new underground station and will range from 24 to 38 stories. The area will have a new public domain, complete with a plaza and pedestrian lanesways.
According to Bates Smart, the design approach for the new precinct is based on eight key principles: an improved civic link, active and engaging frontages, a dignified heritage setting, prominent and public station entries, a legible and safe movement network, relevant and attractive building typologies, cosy and attractive public space, and a "uniquely Parramatta" character.
In order to honour the site's regional heritage, brick will be used in the lower levels of the structures and the laneways. Sandstone and other "inspired by Country" materials will be used for the towers' upper levels to create a soft, earthy palette.
According to David Elliott, the transport minister for New South Wales, the district would serve future housing demand as well as employment growth in the city's rapidly expanding west. He stated that the four new structures will "allow for retail at ground level and opportunities for commercial and residential spaces above” and “seamlessly connect to wider Sydney with turn-up-and-go metro services on their doorstep and easy access to new light rail, Sydney Trains, buses and active transport links.”
The public is encouraged to provide feedback on the first concept planning application for the Parrammatta metro station precinct. From 16 November to 13 December, the NSW Planning Portal is open for public comment.
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