National Electrical Safety Conference - AIHS
Our partner, the Australian Institute of Health & Safety (AIHS), is running the Electrical Safety Conference on 12-14 October 2021 via an online platform.
Electricity is an essential power source, that we use every day. But if it’s not properly managed it can cause serious injury and death. Electricity has been identified as a leading cause of traumatic injury & fatality in the building and construction industry for some time.Effective control of electrical hazards needs to consider the nature of the work and the exposure, and include appropriate controls for electrical workers outside the electricity supply industry and for non-electrical workers.
This conference is being organised as an initiative under an Enforceable Undertaking agreement between Growthbuilt and SafeWork NSW.
This conference aims to;
- Promote awareness of the risks and hazards to ensure Electrical Safety in the workplace.
- Empower your workforce to recognise the risks, and create a safe culture for everyone.
Learning Outcomes:
- Discover the risks and hazards of electricity
- Increase awareness of safety
- Becoming a safer workforce
- Discover the emotions and behaviours that drives safety cultures
- Increase communication between workers
- Upskill your frontline workers
- Participants will leave with a completed safety experience that they can implement at their own workplace.
Event Details:
Date: Tuesday 12 October - Thursday 14 October 2021
Time: 14:00 - 17:00 Daily AEST
Location: Online
CPD points: 40