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14 Nov 2019

NSW Government urged to hit pause on major housing development described as 'lung cancer for Sydney'

NSW Government urged to hit pause on major housing development described as 'lung cancer for Sydney'
A Supreme Court decision has provided a fascinating insight into the planning issues being created by a major housing expansion that will funnel more than 90,000 people into the southern outskirts of Sydney.

The Greater MacArthur 2040 plan, unveiled in November 2018 outlined a vision for a new corridor of growth stretching from Camden through Menangle to Appin and Wilton.

Councilors in some of the surrounding townships have expressed despair at the plan.

Southwest of Sydney, Wollondilly councilor Noel Lowry said he believed the proposal was emblematic of a broken planning system.

"Because we are the lungs of Sydney out here right on the side of the catchment areas or our water supply.

He has a desperate message for the new NSW Planning Minister, Rob Stokes.

"Please intervene!"

Six new precincts in zoning rush

Six new precincts have been created in the rezoning rush since the plan was revealed
The government decided funding for infrastructure to support the expansion would be collected through a Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) at 'no cost to government', putting a levy of more than $55,000 on each dwelling for developers.

In its planning documents, the government said the SIC would provide $1.58 billion for key infrastructure.

But prior to the March 2019 NSW election, Wollondilly Shire Council said it had identified a $500million shortfall in state infrastructure including basic emergency services, roads, health and education.

Wollondilly Mayor Matthew Deeth had repeatedly urged the Government to pause the project until there is certainty on infrastructure.

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