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24 Nov 2022

Woolworths’ Sydney Green Square Tower Moves to Next Stage

Woolworths’ Sydney Green Square Tower Moves to Next Stage

The projected Woolworths tower near Sydney's Green Square has made progress towards realisation.

An amendment to the planning regulations for the Waterloo mixed-use project has been approved by the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

The land at 922-935 Bourke Street is owned by Fabcot, the real estate division of Woolworths, who asked that the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012's maximum height restriction be changed so that a five to seven-story building may be constructed there.

The modifications' draught proposal was approved by the committee and will now be submitted to the NSW planning department.

The proposed planning change will be evaluated by the department for a gateway determination, after which the proposed amendments will be posted and open for comments.

The size of retail tenancies is limited because the land does not fall under a planned centre as defined by the control plan. To move forward with the supermarket development, this must be addressed.

Additionally, Fabcot has proposed to enter into an agreement with the council to supply the building's parking lot with multiple electric vehicle charging points, including Level 2 charging for 25% of the retail parking spaces and two additional spaces with Level 3 or 4 charging.

Along with possibilities for onsite waste recovery, acceptance of the city's Net Zero Energy Provisions, and rainwater capture, the agreement will also offer choices for these.

The project will have a mix of residential, business, and retail uses in addition to a 3200 square metre supermarket, according to Woolworths' existing designs.

Above the store level, there will be offices and flats, with about 12% of them designated for affordable housing, providing five more apartments than are required.

In November 2021, the company submitted proposals that included a 4850 square metre store below ground.

The City of Sydney commissioned the Green Square and Southern Areas Retail Review in November 2021.

The Central Sydney Planning Committee and the City of Sydney Council are both considering a report on the review at the same time.

For residents of the eastern parts of Waterloo, the Town Center, and North Alexandria regions, it was found that there was a shortfall of roughly 9000 square metres of supermarket space in the area.

With Toga recently securing approval for a $141 million A-grade commercial skyscraper Fulcrum above the Green Square railway station, Green Square is a significant urban regeneration district within the City of Sydney.

The majority of the Green Square precinct development, which consists of more than 1600 flats and workplaces, is being overseen by Mirvac.

By 2036, it is anticipated that the Green Square urban revitalisation region will house up to 3200 new homes and 60,000–70,000 people.


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