John Tannous
As a veteran of the VET sector for over 17 years, John started his career as a building designer. With a passion to share his knowledge, John started teaching with TAFE NSW, increasing his skills and knowledge to teach across all areas of construction. His progression to Head Teacher, and more recently in the corporate environment, John has honed his skills managing teaching teams, developing course content, product design and now industry engagement in his current role as Industry Innovation Specialist.
The Industry Innovation Specialist focusses on collaboration to understand the needs of industry, peak bodies, and employers’ current and future training initiatives. This intelligence gathering informs TAFE NSW training product development and delivery to support industry and communities.
“Enthusiastic about my work, I find that empowerment and passion motivate others in everyday encounters. I feel that I have gained an enormous amount of experience and knowledge in managing the expectations of both internal and external stakeholders which empowers me to work with all stakeholders on innovative solutions.
I demonstrate leadership, and can apply these skills, not only in education but also in management.”
John brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his role as Industry Innovation Specialist for Construction and Energy Skills at TAFE NSW.
I find that empowering the people I encounter daily with diverse backgrounds is extremely motivating and inspiring.